Step 1 - Here we are

So how was this space created? This is what I did to make this site:

I'm not going to re-invent the wheel here, I'm literally going to explain the route I took to go from nothing to establishing an online presence with my own website that I control, can edit in any way I want and have complete ownership of.

Step-by-step Walkthrough guide

This is what I did in order:

  1. Literally the very first thing Neocities encouraged me to do was to "join Penelope the cat" in a basic HTML tutorial (it's a super simple intro if you're not ready for the next step yet)
  2. Then I followed this one by
  3. At this point I had more than one page and could see is was going to start getting confusing if I couldn't keep track of everything easily, so looked at how to unify page elements across a website
  4. Second thing
  5. Third thing
  6. Next thing
  7. Final thing

There are basically 3 core parts to any modern responsive website, and I only focussed on 1 of these at a time for clarity's sake.


Neocities offers up help to setup straight away, which is why at certain points in this site you might see:

On your first Home page "index.html" you will see that Neocities have already shown you:

This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

Here's how you can add an image:

hosed by Neocities

Here's how to make an unordered list:

Here's how to make an ordered list:

  1. First thing
  2. Second thing
  3. Third thing

To add to that, here's tabular data:

Name Number
Person_1 42
Person_2 69


To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

Needed to center text etc:

That site also gave me an intro to CSS:

List of CSS properties: CSS properties

Some cheat sites:

Ultimately, you can use this validator to check if your html is written correctly (to convention).


Found some simple CSS generators on Shecodes, (ironically written by a French man)

N.B. White space html = "       " (Source).
This uses "html entities". Reference lists can be found here:

Text transitions


It's likely you'll want buttons somewhere:

As with most things, you can style the button in the .CSS stylesheet.

Now this is awesome! Thank you Aegi. This will be a really cool site development.

Pure HTML+CSS template gallary. Some of these are incredible, like I wouldrecomend exploring and using the limit of CSS befor moving on to JavaScript.

Since learning all these CSS tricks (or learning to look them up as needed), I decided to see how I might be able to 'transform' elements for an effect I'd like to use on my home page

Howevwer, it seems that these require more advanced SCSS or SASS features and I haven't figured out how to set that up yet:

JavaScript - N.B. Not the same as Java!

Paralax scroll with jQuery Buutton hover effects: Advanced:

Scrolling on the z-axis

More Resources